Marketing Plans for Schools

marketing plans for schools


Ever feel like you don’t have a handle on your marketing? Chances are, you don’t have a strong marketing plan for your school, and if you’re like me, the idea of investing endless hours in creating a formal marketing plan makes you want to jump out a window. That’s why I’ve thrown out the model of the traditional marketing plan and created my own. 

It’s no surprise that schools are constantly asking each other for examples of marketing plans, and no one is willing to give them up. The research alone that goes into a marketing plan can be a challenge, not to mention the creative genius that goes into your solutions to your marketing problems. But, creating a school marketing plan doesn’t have to be daunting, and I’m going to share some of my best resources. My articles, webinar and eBook will walk you through some simple steps to create an easy to make and use marketing plan. Some call it a mini-marketing plan, some call it a “modified” marketing plan, but I just call it a simple marketing plan.

If you’re someone who enjoys learning through webinars, I presented on marketing plans for schools as part of the SchneiderB University VirCon. In this session, I outlined an example of my simple marketing plan for my school’s development office and their annual fund marketing. I even touched on marketing for admission and even summer camps.

If online learning isn’t for you, I’ve authored articles that really break down marketing plans for schools and what you need to be successful. One of the articles I wrote was an in-depth study for the Private School Site that outlines the ins and outs of creating a school marketing plan, from research and development to how to determine success.

The research that goes into a marketing plan can be daunting itself, but you’d be surprised to know that you have a lot of it already available to you. How? Check out this eBook that I wrote for Blackbaud K12, “Data Driven Marketing Strategies.” Don’t have time to read the full book? Check out this Data-Driven Marketing Tip Sheet with 10 quick tips to help you make the most of your marketing efforts.

Another tool I have created is this article that I wrote for Getting Smart called, “6 Steps to a Successful School Marketing Plan.” It includes images of some of my simple marketing plans, made using bullet points and tables.

Tell me what you think of my marketing plans, and what you do for your school. I’m always excited to hear about how other schools manage their work.

2 thoughts on “Marketing Plans for Schools

  1. Pingback: Dat – Stacy Jago

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