Sometimes, we find great work done by others that we like to share. This time, it’s the work done by Ghergich & Co. who partnered with Marketing Cloud to develop an infographic outlining 5 Steps to Creating a Millennial Marketing Strategy.
By Racheal Fishman
Every generation is different: That’s the nature of our world. They have different histories and backgrounds, different expectations and world events that shape who they are and what they think and how they act. Millennials are no different.
Loosely defined as people who are currently about 17 to 36 years old, millennials are about one-quarter of the population. Although many have not yet entered the workforce, they are close to flooding it and when they do, they will bring with them big changes—not only in how they work but how you work with and market to them. The same appeals that worked for their parents do not work for millennials.
For starters, there are their demographics: They’re incredibly ethnically and racially diverse, and so marketing needs to level the playing field in terms of how it talks and how representational it is. What else will impact millennial marketing? This graphic explains it.